Roosevelt Elk Antler

We have a herd of elk that live in our forest and they sport an impressive set of antlers.  These are shed annually, usually in February or March, and occasionally I’ll find old antlers in the woods.  This one had been hidden away for a few years so it was showing some signs of weathering and animal wear – mice like to chew on them.  It measures three feet long so it is amazing that these large animals navigate through the trees so well with a six foot set of antlers on their heads.





This was taken in July when the antlers are in their prime condition

This was taken in July when the antlers are in their prime condition

Holly (Ilex paraguariensis)

We have about 30 holly trees that have been planted by birds throughout our property.  They range from a few inches to one tree that is almost 20 feet tall. Non of the trees have fruited yet. The berries (drupes) are actually slightly toxic to humans but are an important food source for birds.