Another Fallen Leaf

Though not entirely intentional, I seem to be doing a series on fallen leaves.  It’s something about the beautiful light, colour and texture that draws me to them.  In deciding which of my photos to keep I ask myself if I would like to have that particular photo framed and hanging on my wall.  This is one that I can say I would.



Orange Beetles on Comfrey

Two Beetles_watermarked

We have grown Comfrey for years and use it medicinally, as green manure and as fodder for animals and chickens. It is also known as Boneset and Knitbone as it is suppose to promote the healing of broken bones. Fortunately we have never had to see if it works!  Don’t know what the beetles are.

Wisteria Winding

Wisteria Vine_watermarked

This is a shoot from our very aggressive Wisteria vine.  We had a large vine growing on the front of the house for many years.  It took about 15 years before we saw our first blossom and from that time on it bloomed every year.  That is, until two years ago when the entire main stalk died.  By then however, it had sent shoots in every direction but most of them under and in our house.  We now have foliage appearing in our pantry, loft and bedroom.  Vines are popping out through the shakes on the roof and on the outside walls.  In the unfinished crawlspace under the house 1 inch thick vines have travelled the length of the house and lie on the ground looking like heavy electrical cables.   I spotted this innocent looking vine yesterday heading up the decorative chain that hangs from our gutter.  

The interesting thing about this photo is that the clockwise direction the vine is growing indicates that it is a Wisteria floribunda.  Wisteria sinensis grows in an anti-clockwise direction.