Calm Before the Storm

I think these guys were hoping I’d light a fire.  The forecast is for a big windstorm here tonight with winds ranging from 50 to 65 mph (80 to 100 kph).  Not something we like to hear this early in the season as the trees are still in leaf.  This creates a sail effect and makes them more susceptible to falling.  And….it is another night time storm.  For some reason 95% of our windstorms are at night.  Nothing like being awoken by the sound of a large tree just starting to fall (imagine a giant tooth being pulled) and not knowing how close it is and what direction it is going.  We’ve battened down the hatches and now all we can do is wait and see what happens.  On the bright side, these storms usually produce next year’s firewood.


The interesting thing about this storm is that it is the remnant of the typhoon they just had in Asia.  It has blown to the north, across the Bering Strait, down the Alaska Coast and into our back yard.  Normally these storms come from Hawaii and are called the Pineapple Express which means lots of rain but warm temperatures and a lovely tropical smell in the air.  Don’t know what we’ll get with this one.

Well, better post this tonight instead of tomorrow morning.