Another Mother – Robin

This robin has a nest in a bay laurel tree right near our front porch. She has been busy collecting worms but I haven’t heard the chicks yet. The robins have a tough time in the laurel. Last year an owl raided the nest and in previous years squirrels have killed the chicks. With so many owls around this year we’re not seeing as many squirrels and the robins are keeping things very low key when the owls are close by. Hopefully this year we’ll have a successful result.

When I zoomed in on what was in the robin’s beak I saw that the worm had been cut into 1/2 inch pieces – much easier to distribute to all the chicks.

Catching Some Rays

Though this robin may look like it has had a bit too much to drink it is actually suntanning. They can often be seen in sunny spots in the garden or lawn, stretched out wings, trying to capture the sun’s warmth.

Barred Owl Brunch

We have had Barred Owls nesting near our house for many years now. This year they nested particularily close so we have had many oppotunities to watch their two chicks grow. Today one of the parents dropped off a garter snake for lunch. We have seen quite a few snakes going by in owl talens so not a good time for them!